Thursday, September 20, 2007

Well it's been almost three weeks into classes and I'm really enjoying them, except maybe the speech class. Properly learning about the Trinity in systematic theology and man do I really know nothing. Early church history is very informative, there is a definite difference compared to modern North American Christians. Got my psych eval test tomorrow and supposed to sign up
for a subsequent date later for an interview with a psychologist I think.

Life in Grand Rapids seems pretty easy going. It seems like a slow going town and is almost
a bubble society of Christianity in the U.S. Weather right now is great. It did drop down to 40 and 50s last week but has since warmed backed up. I don't think I have sweated yet since I've been here.

On a personal note, I've tried to surgically remove a woman from my life in hopes of being able to focus and more soul searching. Maybe I'm just running...I hope this doesn't backfire in my face where I just go insane or something. God help me.

1 comment:

Ant said...

how did the psych eval go? They know you crazy yet?